Social Media

How to win back unhappy customers with social media

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You can’t have a Facebook page, put yourself out there in the world of social media, and only expect positive comments. Negative comments will come at some point. And when they do, this is your chance to turn the situation around. Let’s have a look at my recent experience with A La Carte Maps.

Social Media

How NOT to deal with negative comments

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Not everyone will like you. And even if some leave negative comments, whether it is on your Facebook page, your blog, or a forum, there are ways to deal with criticism. And there are things you should NEVER do, no matter what. Here is an example.

Social Media

Social media for small businesses: is it worth it?

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You’re hearing everywhere that businesses should have a social media strategy, that every week a new social media tool comes out (“what, you are not on Quora yet?”), that social media will be time consuming and that it may not pay off…in sum, social media seems quite complex and you are not sure if it’s worth investing your time in it. Let’s have a look at some benefits you can get from using social media for your small business.