You did it again Facebook. Everyone hates Facebook changes – every time, people spend days discussing about the potential benefits and the many disadvantages of the new design. This time, the change is radical.
How NOT to deal with negative comments
Not everyone will like you. And even if some leave negative comments, whether it is on your Facebook page, your blog, or a forum, there are ways to deal with criticism. And there are things you should NEVER do, no matter what. Here is an example.
Handling Social Media Requires Tact and Common Sense
Whether you are a marketer dealing with social media for brands or doing social media for your own business, it is important that you understand a few things before starting any campaign.
Flip your Facebook Page Pic to Video
Can you really flip your Facebook page pic to video? Yes! It has been almost a month since Flip partnered with DDB Singapore and Text 100 Singapore to launch their plugin Flip Video. With the ambition to revolutionize profile pictures by replacing static pictures by videos, Flip managed to create a lot of buzz in Asia.