I haven’t written anything on this blog for more than a year.  Lack of time? Lack of inspiration? Yes. Maybe.

Probably excuses too.

Fear not to have the right words.

It takes courage to write. I admire a lot of writers and their courage. Their courage to show up every time and start writing. It is not always easy to hit the publish button. You need to be ready to “own” your piece.

But if you start comparing yourself to other writers, you never write.

This has to do with ego. With the image you have built of yourself — you don’t want to break this perfect image because that’s the image you project onto others too. I’ve read quite a bit about ego this year. More on this later.

What if we stopped caring and just started writing? Just to share. Share what we saw, read, what moved us.

Maybe it will have an impact. Maybe not. So what? What’s the point? Are you writing for an audience or for yourself? That’s always the big question.

I’m hoping to write more this year – for myself. We don’t write enough. We self-censor (yes, even on Facebook)

Kudos to some of my really good friends who started writing again this year.

Time for new beginnings.

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