O2 UK targets students during exam period

Today, I received an email from o2. O2 is a mobile carrier in the UK and from time to time they send me a newsletter. Last week, surprise, they sent me a “gift” because “There’s nothing better than a present out of the blue” (I couldn’t agree more!). But today, the email was about “O2 learn: the place to revise for exams”.

Here is a copy of the email I received:


The website, aimed at 13-18 year olds, is open to all, not just O2 customers. Students can search for lessons, watch them and rate them. The lessons cover a wide range of subjects, from Spanish to Biology or even Politics.

Every 2 weeks, a teacher will win a £2000 prize and £2000 prize for his/her school. Public vote accounts for 50% (videos with the highest ratings and most views will be shortlisted) and the remaining 50% will go to a panel of experts.

I think this is a great initiative for teachers, students and schools.

Teachers can “test” their teaching skills by exposing themselves to the world. Comments and constructive criticism can even help them improve.
Students can discover new subjects and make their learning experience/revision exam period more “fun”.
Finally, schools have the possibility to gain recognition for their great teaching. The awards can also help the schools improve their infrastructure.
If schools really get into the game, everyone can benefit from this new project.

O2 has sent this email at the perfect timing, as it is revision time for high school and college students in the UK. However, as much as I like the initiative, I think their email marketing strategy is a bit flawed. I should not have even been sent this email in the first place. When you sign a contract with o2 or any other carrier, they make sure you give them your date of birth, so they should have known I was not part of their target customer (13-18).

I will forgive you this time O2. Mostly because you offered me a day at the spa last week out of the blue.

What do you think of O2 targeting students during exam period? Do you think it may change the way students learn?

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