Everyone knows I live by gamification, whether it is Foursquare badges or Nike Fuel Band points. This week, Fourquare has revamped its homepage and it’s just awesome. Find out what’s new!
Revealed: The Exact Number of Retweets
Good news! Twitter now gives the exact number of times you’ve been retweets.
Social Media Week Singapore: Yahoo! and Trendwatching Keynotes
Yesterday was the start of Social Media Week in Singapore. The keynotes were presented by Henry Mason from Trendwatching and Alan Soon from Yahoo! SEA.
Amazing TEDxWomen event in Singapore
I just went to an amazing event in Singapore. Two TEDx events in two weeks, I feel so lucky. Today was TEDxWomen called “Perspectives Without Borders”. If you couldn’t attend, here is a summary.
Why the new Facebook is creepymazing
You did it again Facebook. Everyone hates Facebook changes – every time, people spend days discussing about the potential benefits and the many disadvantages of the new design. This time, the change is radical.
Twitter email notifications on the iPhone: FAIL
Twitter unveiled new email notifications. The good news? On a computer, it looks great. The bad news? On the iPhone, it looks like crap.
Why you should jump on the Quora bandwagon now (before it’s too late)
Unless you have been avoiding your RSS or Twitter feed in the past week, by now you must have heard of Quora, a website where people ask and answer questions in real time about anything and everything. It aims to “grow and grow until almost everything that anyone wants to know is available in the system”. Now, what can another Q&A website do for your marketing strategy? A lot.