The New Foursquare Is Awesome and Here’s Why

Everyone knows I live by gamification, whether it is Foursquare badges or Nike Fuel Band points.

I use Foursquare to discover new places to go to and when I’m abroad, it is my partner in crime: I use 4sqwifi to find nearby venues which offer WiFi and their password and I rarely order dishes in a restaurant without looking at Foursquare tips first.

This week, Fourquare has revamped its homepage and it’s just awesome.


If I’m looking for good sushi places, all I have to do is go to and type “sushi”, target a district (if you live in a big city) or let Foursquare use my location and click “Search”.

Sushi Place

And the best thing is? You don’t need to be on Foursquare to access the Explore function. But it will probably convince you to download the app and use it on the go. And then you’ll earn badges, leave tips and get addicted (been there, done that). If you sign up or log in, you can start getting personalized recommendations, for example by choosing places you’ve never been to before, those your friends have been to or even places with Foursquare specials.

Show me places

With its 3 billion checkins and 30 million of tips, Foursquare is a real gem for discovering new venues. Give it a go and let me know what you think!

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