Yesterday was the start of Social Media Week in Singapore. The keynotes were presented by Henry Mason from Trendwatching and Alan Soon from Yahoo! SEA.
From social media to social CRM (IBM Report)
I just finished reading “From Social Media to Social CRM” report by IBM. Here is a summary and some thoughts.
Amazing TEDxWomen event in Singapore
I just went to an amazing event in Singapore. Two TEDx events in two weeks, I feel so lucky. Today was TEDxWomen called “Perspectives Without Borders”. If you couldn’t attend, here is a summary.
TEDxYouth@Singapore was brilliant!
Today was TEDxYouth@Singapore. And it was AWESOME!!!! Kudos to the organizer, Sadali Mawi, for making this day happen!
Why the new Facebook is creepymazing
You did it again Facebook. Everyone hates Facebook changes – every time, people spend days discussing about the potential benefits and the many disadvantages of the new design. This time, the change is radical.
Meet the best ad placement ever!
If you have been one of Google’s 33 million unique visitors today, then you must have noticed the best ad placement ever: meet Google ad for Google Plus (with a nice big blue arrow!).
A creative battle: Post-it Note War #postitwar
As I write this post, there is a war going on between Ubisoft and BNP Paribas in Paris.
Their weapons? Post-it notes.
Quote of the day (August, 1st)
Here is an inspiring quote for today – click to enlarge!
5 Inspiring TED talks to watch on your way to work
Here are 5 TED talks I watched recently. They are all under 6mn so you can watch them on your way to work and get your daily dose of inspiration.
Power and Media – POLIS Conference at LSE #polis11
Yesterday, LSE (in partnership with BBC College of Journalism) hosted “The value of Journalism”, a day-long conference about the future of journalism. I had an exam in the […]