A creative battle: Post-it Note War #postitwar

As I write this post, there is a war going on between Ubisoft and BNP Paribas in Paris.
Their weapons? Post-it notes.

According to BFM TV, Ubisoft and BNP Paribas employees have had very productive lunch breaks since January, sticking post-it notes on their office windows. In the past few weeks, the “war” has gained momentum and other companies are also joining in: GDF, Havas, Agence Betwin, La Poste, Orange to cite a few.

Here is a selection of my favorites (click to enlarge):

Post-it Art

Post-it Art 2

Post-it War

If you want to see more, make sure to check the Facebook page for the latest creations, the official website, or follow the hashtag #postitwar

Don’t be surprised if you start seeing “post-it art” in New York, London or Tokyo in a few weeks…rumor has it that the post-it war will become the most creative war of 2011!

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